


An alien spaceship from Planet Zeeba hovered over San Diego.

The spaceship – identified at first as a UFO – was first seen over Santee, California on May 7th.

The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials sent Dr. Susan Begley to Santee to investigate. ”We gathered evidence from hundreds of eyewitnesses as well as studying numerous photographs and videos,” said Dr. Begley. ”This is clearly a spaceship from Planet Zeeba. But there is nothing for people in San Diego to worry about.”
Dr. Begley told WWN that aliens from Planet Zeeba have been on Earth since October of 2011 and have come in peace. ”They are here to try to help humans save their own planet, and to help defend Earth against an attack by the Gootans.” Aliens from Planet Gootan are reportedly here to take over earth and enslave humans.

Some in government and in the media (as evidence by the video below), are trying to tell people that it was not an alien spaceship, but instead was a commercial aircraft.


“The governments of the world have been covering up the existence of aliens for decades. They do that so that citizens don’t become panicked. It’s unfortunate, because the Zeebans have come in peace,” said Dr. Begley.

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